March 15, 2022

St Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program Extends its COVID Relief Bond Option

Many people are  not aware of cip st lucia during covid , The country’s Cabinet has extended the offer for cip st lucia during covid. A year has been added to the expiration date of the 50 percent discount on the purchase of government bonds, which is now December 31, 2022.

In this article, we explain how investors may take advantage of the opportunity to get a discounted St Lucia passport at a discounted rate.

cip st lucia during covid :An overview

Beginning in May 2020, investors will purchase special interest-free bonds known as Covid-19 Relief Bonds. The cost of buying these bonds is half the price of purchasing other bonds: the minimum transaction value is $250,000 instead of $500,000.

The deadline for participating in the special offer to purchase government bonds has been extended to December 31, 2022. Initially, it was set to expire at the end of 2021.

Obtaining citizenship in Saint Lucia, which comes with a bonus of $250,000

The terms of the program will be changed shortly by the government. The agency will continue to accept applications slower until the new regulations are in effect, though.

Investment in options and duration of bond holding

When making investments as part of the Saint Lucian citizenship program, purchasing government bonds is an option for refunding your money. After 5 or 7 years, the investor has the chance to redeem the bonds they bought. The holding time for the securities is determined by the minimum investment amount and the number of securities purchased.

As of this writing, it is unclear if the government of Saint Lucia has decided to keep their concession on the administrative charge. In 2021, an investor who purchases bonds will pay a $25,000 cost instead of the current $50,000 fee. If the minimum investment under the option was $300,000 and the maximum investment was $500,000, the administration charge would be $30,000.

What other options are there for obtaining a St Lucian passport via investment?

Since 2015, the government of Saint Lucia has implemented a citizenship program. As a result, investors in Saint Lucia may get a second passport by making a non-refundable donation, purchasing real estate or government bonds, and investing in local enterprises.

Citizenship in Saint Lucia via Investment

Everything you need to know about the St Lucian citizenship program via investment. The bare minimum is $100,000 in investment. The process of obtaining a passport takes 3-4 months.

Investment opportunities available via the St Lucia citizenship program

Contribution to the National Economic Fund for $100,000 as an alternative.

Purchasing government bonds starting at $250,000

Buying a home starting at $300,000

Investing in a firm with a minimum investment of $1,000,000

The purchase of real estate, like bonds, is a reimbursable investment choice. The money may be refunded in full up to 5 years after the passport has been issued.

It is in the interests of investors to gain citizenship in Saint Lucia so that they may travel freely across the globe without requiring a visa, preserve their funds in European and Caribbean banks, and benefit from favorable taxes.

cip st lucia during covid is it a good idea for The St Lucia passport?

The St Lucia passport is a highly sought-after travel document among international travelers. It enables visa-free travel to 146 countries, including the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Additionally, inhabitants of Saint Lucia are granted a tourist visa to the United States for ten years at a time. On the other hand, Russians only receive it for a maximum of three years. Benefits associated with the passport, expedited processing of applications, and favorable investment conditions made the program one of the finest in its area by 2021. See how to immigrate to the caribbean islands with Karibi

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